Welcome To Bhatikar Model High School
We pride ourselves on being a friendly and open school that offers a high quality education for all our children. At our school, we incorporate diverse teaching methodologies and experiences to provide an engaging, student-centered learning environment. We encourage the child to learn by doing and explore new ideas making learning a realistic and relevant experience.
From the desk of headmaster
We strive to create an environment where students excel in academics, sports, performing arts, literary and oratory skills. We sincerely believe that a student who graduates from our school will positively impact society as our constant efforts are to inculcate a value-based mindset among students. A safe and healthy atmosphere brings out the hidden talents of the pupils, and the school provides ample opportunities for the students to showcase them.
We provide a strong foundation in the mother tongue at the primary level. To add to it, an easily accessible teaching staff, cooperative non-teaching staff helps create an atmosphere conducive to learning. Exposure to various competitions at the school, state, national and international levels, and periodic awareness and orientation programmes conducted by expert guests arranged by us with the support of our School Management mould the students into individuals who are aware of their responsibilities towards their family, society and our nation.
– Bhaskar Verlekar
Our Activity Clubs

Science Club

Maths Club

Nature Club
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